Crazy February…
Doha, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur…tough month, tough draws, tough losses. Sometimes the results are not coming as u wish, I am playing some good tennis but not so stable and consistent to beat the players I have been playing and that’s the difference with the top 50 girls. In Kuala Lumpur I had a long long match vs Julia, being 3-1 down in the third set and win the match in this heat, it was a great feeling! But..the weather killed me physically. In less than 24h I had to play my 2nd round, I was not ready to compete 100%, I gave it a try as I am a fighter but once more my words came true…”if u are not 100% u can not win anymore”. The level is very high to do this. We are already in March…and California is ahead, Indian Wells!!
It is one of the most relaxing tournaments of the year. Somehow it’s nice over there, calm, easy going, perfect temperature during the day, nice and cool to sleep:) plus to play in the desert is always special!! The trip from Kuala Lumpur to LA?? lets not talk about it:)))) few hours there and there…flying around the world:)))) we got in a flight on Friday morning and we arrived on Friday too in the states. is that crazy?? thats why I said this about the flying and the time changes.
The most important is that we arrived safe me and Chris (my coach) and about the time change?? let’s see how good we can deal:) From LA to Indian Wells is still a few hours driving so we decided to sleep over one night here and see some of my friends too, has been a long time.
Tomorrow morning we gonna drive to IW and get ready for my first round that is on Monday! My fitness coach is here too for the next 4weeks, we will spend a few hours per day off the court, I am sure he will make me feel more fresh again:) I am looking forward for everything and to share my passion with both of them:) sometimes I put new pictures at the twitter if u want to follow. I know that some of u guys prefer facebook but maybe one day i will be there too:) that’s all for the moment. Wish you all a wonderful weekend, full of action and happiness:) I am thankful to have u all by my side!
greetings, your eleni
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