New season coming up
Hello guys! how have u been?? hope all is well and everyone is healthy and happy!!
the tournaments for me are done for this season. has not been the best year but end up in a better way!! for sure I did learn a lot thru all the year, thru all the matches I have played, thru all the emotions I passed with myself and my team…there were a lot of matches I shouldn’t lose but I can say one thing…I was fighting until the end of the year to be at the Main Draw of the Australian Open 2013 and I made it!
it’s the best satisfaction to reach your personal goals! I am very happy about it! i wanna thank all the people around me for the amazing support towards me!!!!!! i had my time off too…and to be honest it passed very very fast. i enjoyed being at home, i recharged my battery completely and I am ready to start the preparation, I am looking forward to work with my new fitness coach plus with Chris too! will be fun and tough times but i can not wait to start…On top…I wanna thank all my fans..all over the world for your support and love!
Will update u soon…All the best! Eleni.
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